Through determining significant connections across diverse tragic texts, we are able to examine the elements in the genre of the tragedy that are used by different authors. A crucial idea that his shared among many tragic texts is the characteristic of a tragic hero, this forsaken idea known as Hamartia. Tragic texts including Shakespeare’s “King […]

Why are we all drawn to the ocean, why are we so committed to the sea. Wait, the wrong audience. Why are we so drawn to the lake and the eel-infested wharf?  The power of the ocean, for me, was, as cheesy as it sounds, was a leap into deeper waters. I didn’t grow up […]

In the film Gladiator, the director Ridley Scott describes sets out the plot in a way which enhances Aristotle’s theory of tragedy. Within the storyline, the scenes in which help to deepen our understanding of Aristotle’s theory are the Reunion of Maximus & Commodus, and the attempted escape of Maximus. The film techniques of music and shot […]

In the film Gladiator, the director Ridley Scott describes sets out the plot in a way which enhances Aristotle’s theory of tragedy. Within the storyline, the scenes in which help to deepen our understanding of Aristotle’s theory are the Reunion of Maximus & Commodus, and the attempted escape of Maximus. The film techniques of music and shot […]

Plot: The general rule of plot follows a rising action, climax, and falling action, and ending with a final moment or suspense. Aristotle believed that the plot was the key to any play, story, poem. He had a certain order that he believed certain elements were more important than others. Within the element of tragedy […]

Latinate: words that are derived from the Latin language. Difficult words Germanic: words that are derived from the Anglo Saxon language. Simple words You see me here, you gods, a poor old man, As full of grief as age, wretched in both. If it be you that stirs these daughters’ hearts Against their father, fool […]

Discuss the extent to which you agree with your chosen statement. Respond critically to the statement by making a close analysis of the text(s). STATEMENTS (Choose ONE) 1. An effective narrative structure is the key to maintaining the audience’s attention. 2. It is the way that characters change in a text that makes it worth […]

There are many references to “nature” and “fortune” in this scene. Make a list of all the quotes (not the speeches ,just the relevant bits) that refer to either of these words. There are many references in this scene. Nature is to do with not just words, and another word for fortune is fate or […]

Act 4 Scene 2 Albany Wisdom and goodness to the vile seem vile. Filths savor but themselves. What have you done? Tigers, not daughters, what have you performed? A father, and a gracious agèd man, Whose reverence even the head-lugged bear would lick, Most barbarous, most degenerate, have you madded. Could my good brother suffer […]

Act 3 Scene 1: What impression of Lear does the gentleman give? Using evidence and imagery? Struggling with the wind and rain. He’s shouting at the wind to blow the earth into the sea, or make the sea flood the earth—he wants to see the world return to primal chaos. He keeps tearing out his […]